Sunday, November 27, 2011

hbbc week 1

Well, my inaugural week of the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge started off as a bit of a whimper.

I only managed to log 18 miles of running and walking.  Add another 2 points for two days of eating more than 7 servings of fruits of vegetables (yay me!) and I have a whopping 20 points so far.

Here's the breakdown, the lowdown, the tally, the score...
Saturday - 6.05 miles run, 2.36 miles walked
Sunday - nothin'
Monday - 2.53 miles walked
Tuesday - nada
Wednesday - 1.85 miles walked
Thursday - 3.51 miles run AND I'd like extra credit please, because we hosted Thanksgiving dinner!
Friday - 2.08 miles walked

If you haven't already read this book,
you should.  It's fabulous! But I'd
recommend skipping the movie.
I was hoping to run on Friday too, but wasn't feeling well so I skipped it.  I hope my illness isn't related to my cooking???  I felt even worse yesterday so I was a complete slacker and didn't do anything except lay around and watch bad movies like Water For Elephants.  I LOVED the book - I couldn't read it fast enough it was so good.  The movie was.......boring. (Although I must admit, the whole Robert Pattinson thing?  I think I get it now.)  Anywhoo, I'm still not feeling the greatest but I think I'm going to head out with Jane later and see how it goes.

Hopefully, HBBC week 2 will be much more substantial.

Oh, and in case you want more compelling workout details, I post my workouts on for all to see.  What's dailymile, you ask?  It's kind of like Facebook for walkers, runners and triathletes.  It's chock full of super supportive fellow athletes (and yes, if you're getting your butt off the couch and moving, you're an athlete!) who really, truly and honestly care if you prefer honey stingers over GU, folks who will give you a "WTG!" message for going on a walk with your dog, they'll commiserate when you're injured and celebrate with you like crazy when you reach a goal, whether that goal is running one mile or 26.2.  For a cowbell whore like me, it's just what I need to get me up and out the door!

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