Saturday, April 14, 2012

winning and not winning

My cool new TCO shirt and fun extras.
So, remember me blogging last week about how I won an entry into the Get in Gear Half Marathon? Well, I heard from the group that did the giveaway (Twin Cities Orthopedics) and not only did I get the race entry, I also got my choice of su-WEET TCO tech shirt (I went with the long sleeve shirt since I have plenty of short sleeved running shirts). When they sent the shirt to me, they threw a couple of bone-shaped pens and a pedometer into the package too.  AND I found out that in addition to my race entry, I get a complimentary pass to the pasta dinner the night before the race, too.  How cool is that?!  Not sure if I'll go because of the timing/location and my suspicion of "pasta feeds" in general, but still a huge unexpected bonus!  Anywhoo, I guess I should have named that post "winner winner pasta dinner."  Haha, get it?  Yeah, I slay myself.

Apropos of nothing..... here's how I fuel my addiction.
Ummmm, I stocked up.
So.... back to the GIG.  TenacityChris wants me to race it.  (TenacityChris, I should mention, is in Boston this weekend preparing to run some marathon that's happening there. She's my hero.)
Again, back to the GIG....I'm excited to try for another PR, but kind of nervous too. Hopefully I won't choke like I did on the hot, humid day that was the Get Lucky half marathon. (Speaking of hot and humid, the weather for Boston is supposed to be horribly hot.  So hot, that they are offering deferrals to next year's race. Might end up being a tough day for the runners.) Once more, back to me and the GIG........I'm hoping I can redeem myself after the Get Lucky and prove to myself that I do have cojones. Huge ones. Or at least moderately sized ones.

Today's run wasn't too great.  I was supposed to do 16 miles but threw in the towel after 14.5. And I walked the last 3.5 miles.  Not sure what my deal is but I just get soooo tired. It started out pretty good, I ran 4 miles to my parents' house, then took their dog out for 3.5 miles, then headed home again where I planned to nab Jane and head out for the final 4-5 miles. It didn't quite work out that way. I did nab Jane but couldn't do the full 5 miles.  I felt like crap. Might be time to make some changes in my diet (eating clean??  yeah, not so much) and work on getting more rest.  Next week's run will be better.  I'm sure of it.


  1. You are doing great! Don't let one crappy run stress you out. What a cool race entry to win - LOVE all the extra stuff you got along with it!

  2. Yes, I agree with Bobbi! And how are the stingers for refuel? Nothing seems to sit well in my tummy when I go for long runs.

  3. Thanks ladies! It's been more than one crappy run but I do think I need to take a look at rest and fueling.

    @Sue - I LOVE honey stingers. I seem to have a VERY delicate ecosystem and the honey stingers sit well with me.


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